The images of Quests - Credits
Some Rights Reserved, on the following works:
This work, "Jack Rackham or the Return of Billy Bones", is a derivative of " Dean_Blue_Hole
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Christian Afonso
"Jack Rackham or the Return of Billy Bones" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , clipping , significant color change , deletion of some parts , resizing , rotating .
"Jack Rackham or the Return of Billy Bones" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , clipping , significant color change , deletion of some parts , resizing , rotating .
This work, "The English Lord's garden", is a derivative of " Abbey House Gardens, Malmsbury
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Heather Cowper
"The English Lord's garden" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
"The English Lord's garden" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "From one sea to another", is a derivative of " Porto Fino. Italia.
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Gential Lambert
"From one sea to another" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , centering , clipping , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
"From one sea to another" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , centering , clipping , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "The lost path", is a slightly modified version of " Los Haitises National Park
", used under license CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Jason Boldero
credits_modifications centering
color correction
This work, "The Khmer Treasure - Part 2", is a derivative of " pagoda_bagan_myanmar_temple_burma_asia_bricks-675197
", used under CC0 1.0
and whose original author is an unknown author
"The Khmer Treasure - Part 2" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
"The Khmer Treasure - Part 2" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "The Khmer Treasure - Part 1", is a derivative of " burma_bagan_temple_pagoda_sunset_landscape_clouds-937935
", used under CC0 1.0
and whose original author is an unknown author
"The Khmer Treasure - Part 1" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
"The Khmer Treasure - Part 1" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode XVI", is a derivative of " Ukraine Crimea Novyi Svit
", used under CC BY-SA 3.0
and whose original author is Alexander Vovchenko
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XVI" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XVI" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "The pirates of the ancient world", is a derivative of " Fishing Boat on Bafa Golu
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Malcolm Carlaw
"The pirates of the ancient world" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , cropping , deletion of some parts , modification of some details , resizing .
"The pirates of the ancient world" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , cropping , deletion of some parts , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "The miner's treasure", is a derivative of " Estrecho de Yampupata - Isla del Sol, Lago Titicaca
", used under CC BY-SA 2.0
and whose original author is Mandy
"The miner's treasure" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , modification of some details , resizing , cropping .
"The miner's treasure" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , modification of some details , resizing , cropping .
This work, "In search of a miracle", is a derivative of " Cenote Dzitnup
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Adam Baker
"In search of a miracle" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
"In search of a miracle" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode XV", is a derivative of " Elephanta Caves
", used under CC BY-SA 2.0
and whose original author is Peter Burka
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XV" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , cropping , resizing .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XV" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , cropping , resizing .
This work, "The testament of the tabellion", is a slightly modified version of " Vosges du Nord
", used under license CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Pierre_Bn
credits_modifications centering
color correction
This work, "The jewels of the Dutch pirate", is a derivative of " Caribbean, the Caribbean Sea, more than 7,000 islands, islets, reefs, and cays - the West Indies
", used under CC BY-SA 2.0
and whose original author is Patrick Nouhailler
"The jewels of the Dutch pirate" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , artistic filter , resizing , rotating .
"The jewels of the Dutch pirate" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , artistic filter , resizing , rotating .
This work, "A church of unsuspected riches", is a derivative of " Thousand Island
", used under CC BY-SA 2.0
and whose original author is Angel de los Rios
"A church of unsuspected riches" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
"A church of unsuspected riches" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode XIV", is a derivative of " Lovrijenac and Bokar Fortresses, Dubrovnik, Croatia
", used under CC BY-SA 2.0
and whose original author is Víctor González
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XIV" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XIV" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "Rendez-vous at an eminent pirate's", is a derivative of " Hunter House Newport Rhode Island
", used under CC BY-SA 3.0
and whose original author is Swampyank
"Rendez-vous at an eminent pirate's" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
"Rendez-vous at an eminent pirate's" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "The Queen's treasure", is a derivative of " Bisentina
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Helena
"The Queen's treasure" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
"The Queen's treasure" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "From the stars to the abyss", is a derivative of " Saint Helena Island - panoramio
", used under CC BY 3.0
and whose original author is ---=XEON=---
"From the stars to the abyss" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , color correction , cropping , resizing .
"From the stars to the abyss" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , color correction , cropping , resizing .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode XIII", is a derivative of " The Great Kyz Kala in 2006
", used under CC BY-SA 4.0
and whose original author is GaiJorayev
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XIII" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , significant color change , modification of some details , resizing .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XIII" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , significant color change , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "Billy Bones drives the point home", is a derivative of " Anse Cocos, La Digue, Seychelles
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Jean-Marie Hullot
"Billy Bones drives the point home" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing .
"Billy Bones drives the point home" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing .
This work, "Billy Bones gamble", is a slightly modified version of " Black River, Mauritius
", used under license CC BY-SA 2.0
and whose original author is Rod Waddington
credits_modifications centering
color correction
This work, "A doctor in the jungle", is a derivative of " Village houses on the side of the Suriname River
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is amanderson2
"A doctor in the jungle" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , clipping , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
"A doctor in the jungle" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , clipping , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode XII", is a derivative of " Initiation Well
", used under CC BY 3.0
and whose original author is Andrew Mcmillan
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XII" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , cropping , resizing .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XII" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , cropping , resizing .
This work, "Help with maroonage", is a derivative of " View of the Coffee Plantation Marienbosch in Surinam, Willem de Klerk, 1829 - 1876
", used under CC0 1.0
and whose original author is an unknown author
"Help with maroonage" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications clipping , color correction , cropping , resizing .
"Help with maroonage" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications clipping , color correction , cropping , resizing .
This work, "Back to Cuba", is a derivative of " landscape, sea, coast, rock, sunset, morning, travel, dusk, evening, castle, cuba, de, la, san, castillo, roca, caribbean, cuban, santiago, pedro
", used under CC0 1.0
and whose original author is an unknown author
"Back to Cuba" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , color correction , resizing , selection of a part .
"Back to Cuba" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , color correction , resizing , selection of a part .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode XI", is a derivative of " Oahu Landscape
", used under CC0 1.0
and whose original author is Bernard Spragg. NZ
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XI" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , centering , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode XI" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , centering , color correction , cropping , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "On the way to the Golden Island", is a derivative of " San Blas, Kuna Yala, Panama (17)
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Ben Kucinski
"On the way to the Golden Island" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
"On the way to the Golden Island" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications centering , color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "Roots and wings", is a derivative of " Allouville-Bellefosse,F-76
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is isamiga76
"Roots and wings" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , color correction , cropping , deletion of some parts , modification of some details , resizing .
"Roots and wings" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , color correction , cropping , deletion of some parts , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode X", is a derivative of " Saint Kitts - Brimstone Hill Fortress
", used under CC BY-SA 4.0
and whose original author is Martin Falbisoner
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode X" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , color correction , cropping , deletion of some parts , resizing .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode X" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , color correction , cropping , deletion of some parts , resizing .
This work, "The treasure of the fallen King", is a derivative of " Capriccio with St. Paul's and Old London Bridge
", used under CC0 1.0
and whose original author is Antonio Joli
"The treasure of the fallen King" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , cropping , resizing .
"The treasure of the fallen King" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , cropping , resizing .
This work, "The island of the Mayas", is a derivative of " Cozumel, San Gervasio
", used under CC BY 3.0
and whose original author is Banja-Frans Mulder
"The island of the Mayas" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
"The island of the Mayas" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications color correction , modification of some details , resizing .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode IX", is a derivative of " Sudan. Mamiya 7II
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Christopher Michel
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode IX" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing , color correction .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode IX" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing , color correction .
This work, "The numismatist", is a derivative of " Aerial view of Block Island National Wildlife Refuge.
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Greg Thompson/USFWS
"The numismatist" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing , color correction .
"The numismatist" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing , color correction .
This work, "A wave of panic", is a derivative of " Rockfleet Castle
", used under CC BY-SA 4.0
and whose original author is Mikeoem
"A wave of panic" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , deletion of some parts , resizing , color correction .
"A wave of panic" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , deletion of some parts , resizing , color correction .
This work, "At the crossroads of discoveries", is a derivative of " Île Quarry, Réserve de parc national de l'Archipel-de-Mingan, Québec, Canada.
", used under CC BY-SA 3.0
and whose original author is Cephas
"At the crossroads of discoveries" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , color correction .
"At the crossroads of discoveries" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , color correction .
credits_modifications cropping
color correction
This work, "An impossible love", is a derivative of " Castillo de San Marcos National Monument
", used under CC BY-SA 3.0
and whose original author is Nevnels
"An impossible love" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , deletion of some parts , resizing , selection of a part , color correction .
"An impossible love" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , deletion of some parts , resizing , selection of a part , color correction .
This work, "Monbars the Exterminator", is a derivative of " Saint Barth - Vue aérienne - Octobre 2009
", used under CC BY-SA 3.0
and whose original author is Starus
"Monbars the Exterminator" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , cropping , deletion of some parts , resizing , color correction .
"Monbars the Exterminator" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , cropping , deletion of some parts , resizing , color correction .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode VII", is a derivative of " Erzi Tower Complex. Mountainous Ingushetia.
", used under CC BY-SA 4.0
and whose original author is Alex Svirkin
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode VII" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , cropping , resizing , selection of a part , color correction .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode VII" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , cropping , resizing , selection of a part , color correction .
This work, "The deserter", is a derivative of " Vue depuis la mer du fort de Brégançon (Bormes-les-Mimosas, Var, France)
", used under CC BY-SA 3.0
and whose original author is Patrub01
"The deserter" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , deletion of some parts , resizing , color correction .
"The deserter" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , deletion of some parts , resizing , color correction .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode VI", is a derivative of " Madain Saleh
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Sammy Six
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode VI" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications deletion of some parts , resizing , selection of a part , color correction .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode VI" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications deletion of some parts , resizing , selection of a part , color correction .
This work, "The architect", is a derivative of " Richard Jackson House, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
", used under CC BY-SA 4.0
and whose original author is Magicpiano
"The architect" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing , color correction .
"The architect" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing , color correction .
This work, "The house of Gaoulé", is a derivative of " Habitation du Gaoulé
", used under CC BY-SA 3.0
and whose original author is Jean-Louis Lascoux
"The house of Gaoulé" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , artistic filter , resizing , color correction .
"The house of Gaoulé" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , artistic filter , resizing , color correction .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode V", is a derivative of " New Zealand, Moeraki Boulders
", used under CC0 1.0
and whose original author is Evgeny Pashkevich
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode V" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing , color correction .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode V" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing , color correction .
credits_modifications clipping
color correction
credits_modifications cropping
color correction
credits_modifications cropping
artistic filter
color correction
credits_modifications cropping
color correction
This work, "The daughter of Henry Every", is a derivative of " Bibi Ka Maqbara
", used under CC BY-SA 4.0
and whose original author is Colours Of Aurangabad
"The daughter of Henry Every" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , deletion of some parts , resizing , color correction .
"The daughter of Henry Every" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , deletion of some parts , resizing , color correction .
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode III", is a derivative of " credits_unnamed
", used under CC BY-SA 3.0
and whose original author is Stancosty
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode III" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , cropping , artistic filter , resizing , color correction .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode III" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , cropping , artistic filter , resizing , color correction .
This work, "Roberts' Secret Mission - Part 2", is a derivative of " The 17t century warship Vasa seen from port.
", used under CC BY-SA 3.0
and whose original author is Peter Isotalo
"Roberts' Secret Mission - Part 2" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications changing of the background , clipping , deletion of some parts , resizing , selection of a part , color correction .
"Roberts' Secret Mission - Part 2" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications changing of the background , clipping , deletion of some parts , resizing , selection of a part , color correction .
This work, "Roberts' Secret Mission - Part 1", is a derivative of " The 17t century warship Vasa seen from port.
", used under CC BY-SA 3.0
and whose original author is Peter Isotalo
"Roberts' Secret Mission - Part 1" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications changing of the background , clipping , deletion of some parts , resizing , selection of a part , color correction .
"Roberts' Secret Mission - Part 1" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications changing of the background , clipping , deletion of some parts , resizing , selection of a part , color correction .
This work, "The Bottle", is a derivative of " night, darkness, sea, moonlight, water, seashore, seascape, sunset, ocean, beach, landscape
", used under CC0 1.0
and whose original author is an unknown author
"The Bottle" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , cropping , resizing , color correction .
"The Bottle" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , cropping , resizing , color correction .
credits_modifications cropping
artistic filter
color correction
credits_modifications addition of elements
artistic filter
color correction
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode I", is a derivative of " Isle of Staffa Panorama
", used under CC BY-SA 4.0
and whose original author is Pderuvo
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode I" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications artistic filter , selection of a part , color correction .
"Ben Gunn's games - Episode I" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications artistic filter , selection of a part , color correction .
credits_modifications artistic filter
selection of a part
color correction
This work, "A cape, a peninsula", is a derivative of " Adícora, Estado Falcón
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is Ninoska Zamora from Venezuela
"A cape, a peninsula" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , cropping , deletion of some parts , artistic filter , resizing , color correction .
"A cape, a peninsula" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , cropping , deletion of some parts , artistic filter , resizing , color correction .
This work, "The big tropical forest", is a derivative of " Salto Angel - Cañon del Diablo
", used under CC BY-SA 3.0
and whose original author is Heribert Dezeo
"The big tropical forest" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , artistic filter , resizing .
"The big tropical forest" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , artistic filter , resizing .
This work, "The treasure of William Kidd", is a derivative of " Mona Island, Puerto Rico
", used under CC BY 2.5
and whose original author is Alopiasmag
"The treasure of William Kidd" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , artistic filter , resizing , color correction .
"The treasure of William Kidd" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , artistic filter , resizing , color correction .
This work, "The distant archipelago", is a derivative of " Lagoa do Fogo on Sao Miguel in the Azores of Portugal
", used under CC BY-SA 2.0
and whose original author is Monitotxi
"The distant archipelago" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing , color correction .
"The distant archipelago" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications cropping , resizing , color correction .
This work, "The treasure of the Conquistador", is a derivative of " Fortress Castillo de Jagua, Cienfuegos, Cuba
", used under CC BY 3.0
and whose original author is Anagoria
"The treasure of the Conquistador" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , changing of the background , clipping , cropping , deletion of some parts , artistic filter , resizing , color correction .
"The treasure of the Conquistador" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , changing of the background , clipping , cropping , deletion of some parts , artistic filter , resizing , color correction .
credits_modifications addition of elements
deletion of some parts
artistic filter
color correction
This work, "The Lost Rock", is a derivative of " photo pantai 20081106124416_fernando_de_noronha
", used under CC BY 2.0
and whose original author is photo pantai
"The Lost Rock" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , artistic filter , resizing , cropping .
"The Lost Rock" is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by Billy Games. credits_modifications addition of elements , artistic filter , resizing , cropping .
All Rights Reserved, on the following works:
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode XVII", is a derivative of " secret-forest-darkness-nature-3120483
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is jplenio
credits_modifications centering
This work, "The Khmer Treasure - Part 3", is a derivative of " myanmar-burma-landscape-sunrise-2494826
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is an unknown author
credits_modifications centering
modification of some details
This work, "Pirate calculations", is a derivative of " bretagne-ile-île-mer-nature-644629
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is apnear40
credits_modifications cropping
modification of some details
This work, "A mysterious meeting", is a derivative of " isla-diablo-san-blas-panama-1993375
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is lapping
credits_modifications color correction
modification of some details
This work, "The pirates' lapidary", is a derivative of " xcaret-cancun-mexico-vacation-1228196
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is Mariamichelle
credits_modifications addition of elements
deletion of some parts
color correction
This work, "Ben Gunn's games - Episode II", is a derivative of " scary eerie spooky dark fog fantasy creepy
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is ArtTower
credits_modifications cropping
color correction
This work, "New World", is a derivative of " ocean starry sky milky way rest sailing boat
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is jplenio
credits_modifications addition of elements
deletion of some parts
artistic filter
color correction
This work, "The Gold-Bug", is a derivative of " pirates swamp smugglers boat ship captain corsair
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is Mysticsartdesign
credits_modifications addition of elements
deletion of some parts
artistic filter
color correction
This work, "The island of colors", is a derivative of " boot strand kustlijn curacao zee oceaan water
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is Mariamichelle
credits_modifications addition of elements
deletion of some parts
artistic filter
color correction
This work, "First contacts", is a derivative of " beach dominican republic caribbean summer sea
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is Mustangjoe
credits_modifications addition of elements
deletion of some parts
artistic filter
color correction
This work, "A thick carapace", is a derivative of " turtle ocean animal tropical underwater nature
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is thommas68
credits_modifications cropping
artistic filter
color correction
This work, "Heading North", is a derivative of " pirate-ship-ocean-pirate-ship-1825392
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is stealth_sly
credits_modifications cropping
This work, "The Island of Flowers", is a derivative of " lagoon-curacao-island-blue-921628
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is Mariamichelle
credits_modifications cropping
deletion of some parts
artistic filter
color correction
This work, "A Night at the Harbour", is a derivative of " ship-port-dock-ancient-anno-2809426
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is Noupload
credits_modifications cropping
artistic filter
This work, "The Lighthouse Island", is a derivative of " ship-strom-sea-night-fantasy-red-2202910
", used under Pixabay
and whose original author is thommas68
credits_modifications artistic filter
All Rights Reserved, on the following works:
credits_modifications cropping
deletion of some parts
color correction