Ado 's Artefacts  

This pirate has 267 Artefacts.

The amphora dedicated to Sarpedon

The amphora dedicated to Sarpedon  1

Anne Dieu-le-veut's ring

Anne Dieu-le-veut's ring  1

The full armor of the kingdom of Sindh

The full armor of the kingdom of Sindh  1

Aurangzeb's diamond talwar

Aurangzeb's diamond talwar  1

The khanjar of Aurangzeb

The khanjar of Aurangzeb  1

Ben Gunn's silver sugar bowl

Ben Gunn's silver sugar bowl  2

Bernini's bacchanal

Bernini's bacchanal  1

Blackbeard's Hourglass

Blackbeard's Hourglass  1

The blue turtle

The blue turtle  1

The Book of Kells

The Book of Kells  1

The brooch of the dutch

The brooch of the dutch  1

The cacique's pendant

The cacique's pendant  1