Akela D Chana
Captain of  ART PIRATES

The Aggressive Pirate
★ ★ The miner's treasure  ★ ★ ★  Quest Islands  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 
The miner's treasure

#98  (50,373 XP)

Level 17

His Medal Table
His most precious Artefact:
The frog fertility necklace

The frog fertility necklace

The English Lord's garden Enigma 02
The miner's treasure Enigma 02
In search of a miracle Enigma 03
The island of colors Enigma 02
The treasure of William Kidd Enigma 03
First contacts Enigma 01
The testament of the tabellion Enigma 01
The pioneer of sugar cane Enigma 04
The Twilight of a Legend Enigma 03
The treasure of the Conquistador Enigma 02
A thick carapace Enigma 02
Heading North Enigma 04
The Island of Flowers Enigma 02
The Lost Rock Enigma 02
The Sea Serpent Enigma 04
The Lighthouse Island Enigma 02
The jewels of the Dutch pirate Enigma 03
Billy Bones drives the point home Enigma 01
Ben Gunn's games - Episode VI Enigma 01
A wave of panic Enigma 03
The treasure of the fallen King Ribbon