Member of  Fedolo

The Aggressive Pirate
The pirates of the ancient world  ★ ★ ★  Quest Islands  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 
The pirates of the ancient world

#34  (271,401 XP)

Level 30

His Medal Table
His most precious Artefact:
King Indravarman II's palanquin ring

King Indravarman II's palanquin ring

The English Lord's garden Enigma 03
The pirates of the ancient world Enigma 02
The miner's treasure Enigma 05
Back to Cuba Enigma 03
Pirate calculations Enigma 04
The Lighthouse Island Enigma 03
Ben Gunn's games - Episode XI Enigma 01
A mysterious meeting Enigma 04
The great shipwreck Enigma 05
At the crossroads of discoveries Enigma 03
A wave of panic Enigma 03
The numismatist Enigma 04
Ben Gunn's games - Episode X Ribbon
The treasure of the fallen King Ribbon
The pirates' lapidary Ribbon
The island of the Mayas Ribbon
Heading North Ribbon
Ben Gunn's games - Episode IX Ribbon
The grateful children Ribbon
The pioneer of sugar cane Ribbon
The Sea Serpent Ribbon
Ben Gunn's games - Episode IV Ribbon
The King's botanist Ribbon
The lover of literature Ribbon
The lover of pirates Ribbon
The treasure of the widow Ribbon