csGeorge 's Artefacts  

This pirate has 34 Artefacts.

Bernini's bacchanal

Bernini's bacchanal  2

The plaque with lion-griffins

The plaque with lion-griffins  1

The Thali wedding necklace

The Thali wedding necklace  1

The horse head sword handle

The horse head sword handle  1

The bound Tartuffe

The bound Tartuffe  1

The broken porcelain cup

The broken porcelain cup  1

The Calima gourd

The Calima gourd  1

The Cambodian hat

The Cambodian hat  1

The sugar cane

The sugar cane  1

The carved heart

The carved heart  1

The conch of Lambis

The conch of Lambis  1

The decorative kankan

The decorative kankan  1