IamGeek 263274706 's Artefacts  

This pirate has 17 Artefacts.

The finely carved ivory plaque

The finely carved ivory plaque  1

The cornicello charm

The cornicello charm  1

The gold cutlery

The gold cutlery  1

The rough diamonds

The rough diamonds  2

The Calima gourd

The Calima gourd  1

The Cannonballs

The Cannonballs  1

The Chrismarium

The Chrismarium  1

The conch of Lambis

The conch of Lambis  1

The dutch harpoon

The dutch harpoon  1

The Halfcrowns of Newark

The Halfcrowns of Newark  1

The Hibernia halfpenny

The Hibernia halfpenny  1

The little bag of salt

The little bag of salt  1