Captain of  WeAreCute

The Defensive Pirate
★ ★ The pirates' lapidary  ★ ★ ★  Quest Islands  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 
The pirates' lapidary

#102  (49,110 XP)

Level 16

His Medal Table
His most precious Artefact:
The portrait of King Charles I by Van Dick

The portrait of King Charles I by Van Dick

The island of the Mayas Enigma 04
A thief in the mine Enigma 02
Ben Gunn's games - Episode X Enigma 02
The treasure of the fallen King Enigma 03
New World Enigma 01
The pirates' lapidary Enigma 04
Ben Gunn's games - Episode IX Enigma 01
The Island of Flowers Enigma 04
The Guatemalan Getaway Enigma 01
A Night at the Harbour Enigma 01
The island of colors Enigma 01
The numismatist Enigma 03
The distant archipelago Enigma 02
The Sea Serpent Enigma 03
The daughter of Henry Every Enigma 02
An impossible love Enigma 04
The naturalist pirate Enigma 02
The great shipwreck Enigma 01
Ben Gunn's games - Episode VIII Ribbon