The Battle of Grenada

Sir, I served in the Royal Navy during the war in the Americas. As the battle of Grenada raged, I was aboard HMS Grafton. I regret not having taken part in the fighting ashore. As we were retreating, the Commander took me aside in his cabin. Some soldiers, seeing that the situation turned to our disadvantage, had the mission to shelter some valuables, mostly from the presbytery. They were killed on their way back. Only a messenger in charge of informing the command was able to cross the enemy line, he gave us the documents to find the location of the valuables of this parish. Sir, do you agree to find them? John Smith

Quest reward:

star-rare The tortoiseshell chest
The tortoiseshell chest

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

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Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The Reliquary of St. Mary
The Reliquary of St. Mary
Chuck Silver
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