Dear friend,
Sometimes men my age have confused memories of events. A long and busy life leads to forgetting certain things, however fantastic, or to confusing them with others.
It also happens that we remember certain events that we are not even sure to have experienced.
Imagine, my friend, that something much more extraordinary happens to me: I remember with precision certain places where I have never set foot. For example, a long time ago, I remembered a wonderful bay in which there was an imposing building. Yet I was sure I had never set foot in this bay. It turns out that one day, in the most fortuitous way, I passed through that place. It was this bay, beyond all doubt. Well guess what? No construction, not even a trace of ruin or leveling of the ground. I realized then that I had dreamed of a place that really exists, but with constructions that don't exist ... or at least not yet.
I had several similar dreams afterwards. I drew you 4 of these places as faithfully as possible, with kinds of maps that appeared to me. I suggest you manage to locate them. You have to find the name of each bay. This will be an opportunity, once again, to give you as a reward certain items collected during my career as a pirate and explorer.
Your old friend,
Ben Gunn.