Ben Gunn's games - Episode XIII

My friend, a busy career leads to long journeys. No pirate worthy of the name has been on the same sea all his life. There are many opportunities in this vast world to learn things about people, discover cultures and enrich yourself ... Like many, I have scoured the Caribbean, the South Seas, the Indian Ocean, the China Sea, the Southern Atlantic ... What makes my originality in a way, you know it now, is my passion for long stopovers, my long journeys on foot through distant lands, far from the relative comfort of our sailboats ... Among all these places, Central Asia is certainly the most exotic place there is for a pirate doing most of his raids in the Caribbean Sea. It is one of the places in the world that I have enjoyed the most on my solitary expeditions. I saw there such grandiose, so fascinating constructions, placed in the middle of nowhere in steppes or deserts ... traces of civilizations that preceded us, and whose ruined witnesses randomly punctuate the landscape. .I suggest you find the name of 4 absolutely fascinating places that I visited during my youth, to make you travel too ... from my drawings and depending on the case, you will have to find a precise name, the name of a city or town. a region. The initials in red, that you will find on the drawings, will help you write the right answers. I will reward you with some objects that I was able to acquire - more or less legally - during these trips ... I wish you great discoveries. Your old friend, Ben Gunn

Quest reward:

star-rare The decorated dutār
The decorated dutār

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The silver head of the Sasanian king
The silver head of the Sasanian king
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!