Ben Gunn's games - Episode XVI

Dear friend, There are places in this world that do not leave you indifferent. Places that are sometimes majestic, sometimes mysterious, sometimes inaccessible, and sometimes of indescribable beauty. And there are places that are all of this at the same time. These are the places that I want you to discover. As you are used to, I challenge you to find, from drawings, places that I had the chance to see. These are located all over the world. I will reward you with valuable artefacts if you manage to name these places. You will find some initials on the drawings, they should help you find the names I'm waiting for. My dear friend, I wish you pleasure in your research. Ben Gunn

Quest reward:

star-rare The vizier's helmet
The vizier's helmet

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare Hayreddin Barbarossa's helmet
Hayreddin Barbarossa's helmet
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!