Billy Bones gamble

Hi friend, It's been a long time since I last heard from you. I have spent the last few months in the Indian Ocean and the Sea of ​​Japan. I came back recently ... and I already need you! I kinda drank a little too much the other night at the Old Port bar. So much so that, even if there had been a fire in the bar, I'm sure I wouldn't have seen it. Let's say that I spoke a little too much, and that I perhaps let myself be drawn into a kind of one-upmanship with some regulars ... Here's the situation: I was talking to a young pirate. I told him that to be successful in the profession, you should not only have biceps, but you also had to have some in the noddle. Well, you know what he said to me, that insolent? That in terms of intelligence, I am the last one he would think of. I didn't get confused, and told him I was probably the greatest pirate this Earth has ever carried. And then, there you go, one thing leading to another, we ended up making a bet. He told me, in front of witnesses, that if I succeeded in locating an island thanks to somewhat mysterious documents, then he would solemnly declare on the dock that I am the best pirate in Nassau. On the other hand, if I lose, I would have to join his crew where I would be in charge of the most thankless tasks during his next navigation ... Anyway, there you go, I really need you. You'll see, there are 8 documents, I didn't understand much. You have to find people, and then an island ... If you can help me, I'll give you some valuable boxes and chests that I looted in the China Sea last summer. You don't blame me, do you? I know you can get me out of here. Billy Bones <==]:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:>

Quest reward:

star-rare The Japanese tiered food box
The Japanese tiered food box

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The Ryūkyū Islands Chest
The Ryūkyū Islands Chest
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!