Billy Bones drives the point home

Thanks to you, my brother, for your help two weeks ago! Thanks to your talent, I was able to calm this whipper-snapper in front of all the pirates of Nassau. He was so surprised that I brought all the answers to his puzzles that he initially accused me of cheating. I replied that I had asked for help, and that knowing where to turn for answers was a sign of great intelligence. My little speech seemed to convince the regulars of the Old Harbour bar, since they asked in chorus this young pretentious to admit my victory and honor his promise. The rest, you know it, since I saw you on the docks when my defeated opponent had to admit loud and clear that I was the greatest pirate of all time. It was a hell of a laugh and we feasted well after that, too bad you didn't stay ... Imagine this pirate I bet with, his name is Jack Rackham, and no lie, he's really good at buccaneering. It would suit me well to partner with him for my next raid. I asked him, he's not against it, but ... in exchange he asks for help with documents he can't understand. Because of course, I ended up telling him about you. He knows you by reputation, he seemed surprised that you were a friend. He understood better how I had managed to win the bet! The documents are here. They indicate the name of a small island on which one of his enemies would have stranded, whom he has sworn to find in revenge ... Let's accept, and prove to him that we can solve everything . I would accompany him there. Come on, accept, we make a good team! To thank you, this time I will give you some weapons that I was able to take from my enemies during my battles on the eastern seas. I am sure you will like them. Billy Bones <==]:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:>

Quest reward:

star-rare The dragonfly tsuba
The dragonfly tsuba

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The wakizashi forged by Fusamune
The wakizashi forged by Fusamune
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!