A church of unsuspected riches

Dear friend, I recently spoke with your captain, Roberts. He seems to have sweetened over time. We had an appointment at the Old Port bar for a boat deal. Roberts had a surprising little chat with the owner, Louise. Together, they talked about you and your activities as a treasure hunter. This surprised me, because until now you and I thought that Roberts knew nothing about your secret activities! It was then that he told me about a legend that had been trotting in his head for years. In the last century, two Welsh brothers, John and Owen Lloyd, came to trade in the Caribbean. At the sight of the Spanish galleons loaded with gold from Peru, they could not resist the adventure of piracy. It only took one fight for them to build up a treasure beyond their expectations. A treasure so important, that, not being able to spend everything, the question of its security had become a crucial point. The brothers would have left their small island of the Cayman to settle in Canada, far from the pirates, taking with them their chests. Then then, no more traces. Roberts is convinced that at least one of the brothers returned to Wales to die. Three years ago, Roberts visited a church there with mysterious stained glass windows. He thinks it was one of the brothers who had these stained glass windows made shortly before his death. Not having been able to bring everything back from Canada, and having no descendants, that would have been his way of leaving a trace ... Roberts gave me these documents for you to try to decipher. For him, there is no doubt, they indicate the location of a treasure. I think he wants discretion, otherwise he would have come to see you himself. Let's see where this all takes us. Your old friend, Ben Gunn.

Quest reward:

star-rare The handle of the Lambayeque ceremonial knife
The handle of the Lambayeque ceremonial knife

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

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Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare Lord Ucupe's nose ornament
Lord Ucupe's nose ornament
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!