The great shipwreck

Sir, I am writing to ask you to help me decipher these documents obtained from my mother. Following the death of my father, she gave me these enigmatic drawings telling me that they will lead me to a little treasure. My father was not really a good Christian. He enlisted on pirate ships, the meager spoils he used to bring back was barely enough to offer my family a means of subsistence. He spent practically all of his share before going home after long months of skimming the seas. Fortunately, I was skilled at fishing, despite my young age, to help my mother feed us! My father always told us that he had left his "life insurance" on a small uninhabited island, following a military expedition in which he took part and which went wrong. Help me to understand these documents, to go to this island if it exists, and I promise you half of what we will find. Jacques le Picard

Quest reward:

star-rare The dutch Thalers
The dutch Thalers

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The Galam gold
The Galam gold
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!