Dear Sir,
I need your help to recover something that is dear to me. I am an old woman from a Spanish family. My father was a gunner. During my youth, our city was ransacked by several pirates led by an Englishman. At the time, I was working to supply the fort. It was under these circumstances that I met this pirate, it was love at first sight. He was a gentleman. After a few days he left, but leaving me in memory of some of the most beautiful jewelry he had collected in his cabin. We had promised to see each other again, but he probably died soon after. I haven't heard from him again.
It was 60 years ago. I have left the colony since. I gave this box to a friend to hide it, afraid of having it stolen. His son has it at home now.
You will find the necessary information to find it in these coded documents.
I live in Habana Vieja. L. C.