In search of a miracle

Sir, I am looking for a special treasure. My former captain, Nicholas van Hoorn, had distributed the goods he owned to his lieutenants shortly before he died in Veracruz. It was already three decades ago! Among the things he left me were some notes and drawings written on paper. Nicholas had explained to me that they had been made by one of his former teammates, a Frenchman. He would have taken his booty to bury it on land, in Mexico, but died on the way back, and was never able to return to the ship. He had taken care to convey to a Mayan guide, apparently, instructions for finding his treasure. These are the documents that I am attaching to this letter. This pirate wanted his booty to go to a youngster who is just starting out in life. I figured I was going to ask for your help in locating the treasure, leaving some of it for you, and giving the rest to the blacksmith's son in Nassau. He is getting married next year and I will gladly give him this gift, so much his father has rendered me precious services. It's been a long time since I last called on you, it would be an honor if you would agree to help me. Johan maurits

Quest reward:

star-rare The finely crafted padlock
The finely crafted padlock

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The frog fertility necklace
The frog fertility necklace
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!