Jack Rackham or the Return of Billy Bones

My friend, I hope this letter finds you well! You know that I don't write to you often, but I need your help with an urgent matter. Jack Rackham, do you remember him? Our pirate friend had hidden a treasure on New Providence before his escape with Anne Bonny, and he was never able to retrieve it. In fact, Anne thought he had squandered it all on her. Well, it turns out that Jack was quite savvy in his own way, and the treasure does indeed exist! He has entrusted me with a mission: to find it and bring it to him on another island in the Bahamas, where he is currently hiding. You see, Jack is being pursued by an emissary of the King of England and cannot retrieve the treasure himself without putting himself in danger. He has sent me a letter with all the necessary information to find it, but in the form of five riddles! I am truly terrible at this sort of game, but I know that you have an incredible talent for it. I implore you, please help me solve these riddles and find Jack Rackham's treasure. If you agree, I will send you the riddles as soon as possible. And of course, if we succeed in laying hands on the loot, we will share equally the half that Jack wishes to leave me. I hope you're up for this adventure. There are some beautiful objects in this treasure, Jack told me. I know you appreciate them. This treasure comes from an attack on a ship of the great Indian Mogul that Jack led with his crew. I'm counting on you, my friend. Yours sincerely, Billy Bones

Quest reward:

star-rare The horse head sword handle
The horse head sword handle

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The Thali wedding necklace
The Thali wedding necklace
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!