Dear Sir,
A promise is a promise. You pleasantly surprised me some time ago by your sagacity, when you guessed the place where I work as a lapidary. I gave you a glimpse of work opportunities. This moment has arrived.
I received an order for several pieces of jewelry, including different gemstones that I had to cut and then mount through a jeweler I know.
However, this client told me that he was currently in trouble with the authorities, and that he had found refuge in a place he wanted to keep secret. In the circles that I frequent, this is usual.
I would like to entrust you with the mission of locating my client, in order to send him the jewelry. I let myself be told that he would like to offer them to his lover ... I hope she will have them as agreed. To do this, you will use the encoded documents he sent me to help find him. And as he paid me very well, I even made some jewelry in duplicate, with a little less stones certainly, to give you as a thank you. In the event that you accept this assignment, of course.
Let me know your answer. I will look forward to working with you.
G. Woodham.