Dear friend,
I had the misfortune of losing, a few days ago, a fellow pirate with whom I had traveled a bit in the past. He was quite old. During all these years he had retained that joviality which is often lacking in most of our fellow pirates. It tended to make us forget his age.
Like me, he had sailed a lot during his career, going over the 7 seas on several occasions. This is probably why he has never been able to establish himself somewhere. He left no offspring. And that's why his executor gave me a letter.
He left to me a series of treasure maps leading to riches he would have buried somewhere in Asia. There are a lot of documents, divided into 3 lots. The first seems to be the simplest.
As I know you enjoy this kind of adventure, I suggest you help me solve this first batch of puzzles.
The lawyer warned me that for each series of puzzles that we manage to solve, my late friend plans to bequeath us valuables, as a reward. An original way to transmit its heritage. He wasn't my friend for no reason!
So will you help me?
Your old friend,
Ben Gunn