The Khmer Treasure - Part 2

Dear friend, The last time we had to solve a set of puzzles that took us to countries in Asia that I had little opportunity to visit. And it's nothing to say that you surprised me! In spite of this cultural distance that we can have, you and I, with all these distant lands, you knew how to take the stages one by one, so much so that we made great progress in this treasure hunt. Today, a new stage will take us even further in these lands. New puzzles will put us on the trail of this treasure buried somewhere by my late friend. I believe they are of greater difficulty. I was able to see some puzzles quickly, I assure you that I did not understand everything. It is a real challenge. Do you agree to try to solve this second set of puzzles? I think the game is worth the effort, there are definitely a lot of rare artifacts out there. My pirate friend was indeed a great collector. Good luck to come to the end of it. Your old friend, Ben Gunn.

Quest reward:

star-rare The demons attacking Buddha
The demons attacking Buddha

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The head of Avalokiteshvara
The head of Avalokiteshvara
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!