Dear friend,
here is the last step of this treasure hunt. What a long way to go in these distant tropical lands! You have been surprising so far, because not only has your sense of observation been severely tested, but you have also been able to immerse yourself in the language used on these maps to solve the puzzles. Really, you are living up to your reputation!
This last set of puzzles will give us the exact location of the treasure we are looking for. Once again, each document will have to be carefully observed. It seems that puzzles previously solved are used here too, a bit like bricks that we would assemble to build a final edifice. To me it seems like an insurmountable puzzle, but I'm sure to you on the other hand it seems like a piece of cake ... doesn't it?
My friend, accept this last mission, and finally find the treasure bequeathed to us by Jack, my late friend. I'll leave with you any items we find, and of course most of the gold, if we find any.
Your old friend,
Ben Gunn.