The treasure of William Kidd

Sir, I met a certain Billy Bones, he told me about you. I'm about to get my hands on William Kidd's treasure. He would have deposited in the cave of a small island the booty of the Quedagh Merchant: gold, silver, but especially oriental silk of high value. This former corsair had been reproached for the murder of a Briton, perhaps he would have hidden the weapon of his crime there too! No one has ever found it. Poor Kidd. I do not know if he deserved Execution Dock. You'll have your part if you help me. Johan Maurits.

Quest reward:

star-rare The silk cape
The silk cape

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare William Kidd's iron bucket
William Kidd's iron bucket
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!