A mysterious meeting

Dear sir, I hear a lot of stories at the Old Harbour bar. The elders tell fabulous stories there. What joy it would have been to accompany them in these marvelous adventures, and to come back covered with gold! One evening, regulars once again told stories of looting in the South Seas. What was my surprise to see my grandfather, usually so reserved, get up to tell a legend in front of an audience listening attentively ... he would have taken part in a mission organized by important figures in his time, which wreaked havoc in the Spanish colonies ... According to him, no one knew the sponsors. He later discovered their identity through a document. The stories of the filibusters who took part in this adventure have traveled the world. I told him that all this intrigued me greatly. So he wrote down on paper all the information that will allow me to know it in turn. Obviously, it's encrypted, my grandfather won't let go of his secret so easily. I'm asking for your help. He gave me the necessary directions to find the meeting point of the pirates. Help me find it. I intend to go there to walk in his footsteps, and in my turn find the treasures of the South Seas. Louis.

Quest reward:

star-rare The golden Calima headdress
The golden Calima headdress

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The pendant of the king of the Gunas
The pendant of the king of the Gunas
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!