New World

My friend, Yet another unresolved mystery, and for you, an opportunity to further enrich your collection of artefacts and your wealth - which must exceed mine in view of your many successes! It turns out that a Florentine sailor left me four parchments at a fair price. This deals with astronomy, ethnology, cartography ... basically everything that exceeds his skills, as well as mine. They were written by a partner of Vespucci, a scientist, who participated in one of his expeditions. He would have returned years later to a small village to end his life, with his treasures. Find this place. Keep what you want. Ben Gunn

Quest reward:

star-rare The astrolabe
The astrolabe

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The Waldseemüller map
The Waldseemüller map
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!