The pirates of the ancient world

Dear friend, Last month, for some reason, a fellow pirate asked me if I could drive a French aristocrat from Nassau to New Orleans. What I did, because the pay was exceptional, believe me! Imagine that I discussed a lot with this gentleman. He is an incredible scholar. I learned some fantastic things. It turns out that he is passionate about antiquity. He taught me that before the advent of Rome, pirates ruled the Mediterranean Sea. Much more than now in the Caribbean! Piracy was a legal activity, it was a way of getting rich like any other. Aristotle said that they were merchants like the others, but more violent. At the time, pirates forced populations to barricade themselves, on land and at sea. Coastal cities were fortresses, as much to protect themselves from enemy tribes as from pirates. The Greeks and Macedonians spent their time scrapping against these pirates of the seas, who were sometimes entire peoples, ruled by kings! Like the Illyrians, the Cretans or the Cilicians ... All of this changed as the Romans spread their hold over the Mediterranean ... But there remains a considerable number of buried treasures in this region. The aristocrat, to thank me for escorting him, gave me documents drawn up by a French treasure hunter, who buried part of his finds in the Mediterranean and recorded a particular place in these documents ... He said if I was interested, we could keep the treasure to ourselves! Please, agree to help me once again, help me decipher these documents. Your old friend, Ben Gunn.

Quest reward:

star-rare The gazelle cup
The gazelle cup

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Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The plaque with lion-griffins
The plaque with lion-griffins
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!