In pursuit of Henry Morgan

Dear friend, In the business, no one has ever amassed a fortune as big as Henry Morgan. The greatest mystery is that years after his death, no one knows what Morgan did with his fortune. Has he buried the booty on a remote island? Did he squander his fortune before his death? Has he offered everything to one of his mistresses? I have a theory. I think he put his various loot in different places. Someone just brought me maps that tend to confirm that. This is a fisherman who spied Morgan while returning from a looting in Panama. He followed him to the streets of a city, to a house in which he had deposited artefacts of ancient Indian civilisations. Whoever gives the correct code to the guardian can recover the treasure. Find the address and the code. Ben Gunn.

Quest reward:

star-rare The Zapotec Earspools
The Zapotec Earspools

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The Mixtec Labret
The Mixtec Labret
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!