The retirement of Samuel Odell

Hello ! This time it's me coming to you. I'm in touch with Samuel Odell, a former crewman of Edward Teach, the dreaded Blackbeard. For his old age, Sam decided to retire somewhere in a Pacific archipelago. We corresponded together. Feeling his end approaching, he sent me these few drawings to allow me to find his trace, and to learn more about what he is doing now. I think he would be delighted to see me one last time. Even if I am rather good at investigating, I really want that we do this together ... for Sam. So, you want to help me? Louise (the owner of the Old Harbour Bar)

Quest reward:

star-rare The Pahu
The Pahu

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The Pendant of Maʻilikākahi
The Pendant of Maʻilikākahi
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!