The Sea Serpent

Dear friend, I never really liked fishing. But God knows if I appreciate the company of fishermen! They know more stories than can be told in one life. A local fisherman came to me to talk about an adventure that happened to one of his friends, that passed away. His friend told anyone who heard him that he had seen the skeleton of a 60-foot-long snake on a small island. Nobody believed him, as he spent his time inventing stories at the old harbor bar. He kept saying that he would bring back the evidence. But no one has ever seen this proof. At his death, the fisherman went to get his friend's stuff in his room, and he found these documents ... which seem to show that this man said the truth! Please help him, he wants to find the evidence. Ben Gunn

Quest reward:

star-rare The Sea Serpent skull
The Sea Serpent skull


You started this Quest on October 11, 2019 .

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

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Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The skeleton of the Sea Serpent
The skeleton of the Sea Serpent
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!