The testament of the tabellion

My esteemed fellow pirate, I am delighted to finally work with you. I need your services for a first mission. Here is what brings me. A Jesuit from Lorraine, baptized Jean, had gone to evangelize the New World in Saint-Christophe. Then missionary, Jean had connections with several notorious pirates, he accepted without batting an eyelid the most doubtful gifts for his congregation. He would have been very accommodating with the buccaneers of the coast, and would have even ended up adopting himself the way of life of the pirates during their stays ashore. Thus, he would have closed his eyes to a number of thefts and attacks on good morals and would have regularly indulged in the sins of lust. What was bound to happen happened, he was kicked out of his order and sent back by the local governor to his family lands. Legend has it that he returned with a small chest full of gold, which he stole from a pirate while he was at his bedside. But unable to exchange or resell it discreetly once back, he would have chosen to bury it not far from his tabellion study in Lorraine, while waiting to take care of it. Probably suffering from an illness, or in the grip of the torments of the soul, he would not have finally had the strength to return to his treasure. He would then have decided to indicate his location, in a coded manner, in a will that he would have drawn up in 1732 for his only nephew. It turns out that the said nephew is an acquaintance of mine. I told him that I would tell you about all this, and that you would probably agree to help him reveal the location of the loot, by sharing the treasure. He agree. So, do you agree to go in search of this heritage? William may

Quest reward:

star-rare A pile of silver coins
A pile of silver coins

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The treasure of the tabellion
The treasure of the tabellion
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!