A wave of panic

Dear friend, I met a young Irishman at the Old Harbour bar, he showed me some old documents. He told me that in Ireland, more than 150 years ago, a pirate woman unleashed a reign of terror, at sea as on land, where she owned many castles. Sailors feared her, and passing people hastened to cross her territory. At the time, a copyist monk was commissioned by his congregation to ship a number of valuable works there, presumably for an important religious festival. He would then have seen the pirate on his way, and before she arrived, would have entrusted a young monk with the task of sheltering the works. Since then, we have lost all trace of this transport. The one I met at the port found these documents by chance, between the stones of a fence wall, before coming to the West Indies. He thinks that indicates the place. If you help him decipher this, he will be generous. Your old friend, Ben Gunn.

Quest reward:

star-rare The bejeweled missal
The bejeweled missal

See all the Quests! Results of the last Event

- Event over -

Results of the Event

Event reward:

Star ultra-rare The Book of Kells
The Book of Kells
Chuck Silver
You will not be able to solve the next Enigma!