Thank you so much for your help over the past few days.
Thanks to you, I was able to identify the Golden Island. This finally convinced my grandfather of the seriousness of my ambition. Now he knows I would go there no matter what. He doubts my ability to make a fortune there, but he gave me his strongest sloop to try my luck.
He left me instructions for navigating to the lands of the Guna Indians. My grandfather is facetious. Its indications are in the form of games. These documents should lead me to an island where I can find someone to help me on my lonely adventure. I can't wait to cross the impenetrable jungle of Darién with its many riches of gold and precious stones, and discover in my turn the South Seas ...
I took a few things with me for my trip. My grandfather gave me objects brought back from his travels to finance my little expedition.
Help me if your heart tells you, you will be rewarded.